I.opening - Sakasama no chou
One day an upside-down butterfly will approach the light along you in the mirror , as you cut your hair. Footsteps echo in the hallway during class and the sound of neverending rain follows them. I can feel a brilliant shape. It blooms into a sweet flower but also bears poisonous fruit. Even now.on this rainy day,I wish I could bridge that day with today ,sky, by sky. In this craziness ,in certainty In each of the memories ,where can we remain? In this craziness ,you gave me life And this single memory...how long can we keep it safe? In this craziness,in certainty In each of the shapes,where can we remain? In this craziness,you gave me life And this single memory...how long can we keep it safe?
1.ending - Karinui
It's always a dead end. I'll never be able to escape. I spread my sorrow upon the birds of the sky to be flown away. This place bonds me here forever. The dream of going or returning keeps slipping away. A dream ...
2.opening - Nightmare
Tell me what time it is. Come into my dreams and embrace me. I can still rememben my beloved hometown , thanks to the photo album we made together . But why am I now alone? I'm so alone. I kney immediately that was only a dream. I run towards the dry woods. I need to kick something. I'm looking for a way out of this dream. I need to leave quickly. I need to leave quickly. I know your voice ; I heard it somewhere. I can only move in time, but that so-called eternity is not infinite. Tell me what time it is, come into my dreams and embrace me. Make my heart ,which has stopped ,start moving again. Please. You are at my side, but you're probably seeing a different dream. I don't need the sun. All I now long for is your smile.
2.ending -
I've seen shallow dreams for eternity. without even a lament. The light of the moon is illuminating my soul. The dance od the withering flowers guides me. Entangled the song of me sind is carved into my heart. I stretch my hand into the endless river which feeels so long. The words I thought over will be dyed in indigo.